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Kartell Plasticware and Disposables

50 years of quality affordable plasticware and disposals.
From bottles and cuvettes to pipettes and test tubes, in plastics to suit most purposes
including LDPE, HDPE, PE, PVC, PP, PMP, PC, PS, PTFE, FEP, and PFA.

Available in Kartell Plastics:
Plasticware Bottles and accessories
Plasticware Graduated and volumetric plasticware
Plasticware Pipettes and accessories
Plasticware Test tubes and accessories
Plasticware Filtration and vacuum accessorics
Plasticware Microscopy and microbiology accessories
Plasticware Hospital wares
Plasticware Fluoroware
Plasticware Liquid handling
Plasticware Disposables including cuvettes, test tubes, sample cups, containers and pippette tips

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For current prices and delivery times call us now on +44 (0)1626 369990.

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